After 2 years in the basement and another 2 years in our cement pond
, the kids were finally moved into their
new digs in the backyard.
Most of last summer was spent burning out the stump of a 54 year old tree. So
since the tree was mostly petrified, it stopped burning. This year started with
digging, sawing chopping and whatever else. We even had the stump removed via
grinder, but alas there were still roots to contend with done the old fashioned way.
So after we had the stump removed, we dug out various levels trying to make it look natural. We put down a protective layer so no sharp earth objects come out. Then the pond liner which keeps the water in.
Then 2 tons of granite cobble stones . . . That needed to be washed and washed. . .
1437 gallons of water, almost ready!!!!
Now our 8 feeder goldfish reside in comfort and luxury near Charlie and Goldie.
Oh, 8' x 10' and 30" deep in case you are wondering.